Monday, August 2, 2010

Power Point Presentations

I would have to say the best thing during the presentations was Hayley's slide explaining the don't of Improve. I am not sure exactly why it stuck to me as the best but it did. I thinking maybe because she gave good examples of what can go wrong. Also a lot of times I tend to explain things as what is the right way to do things, and forget to give examples of bad. That slide was a good reminder for me and was entertaining. I also really enjoyed the use of humor in Zach's presentation.

I believe the least engaging thing I saw was an over use of reading notes. That is also what I would say some people need to improve on.

I think I did a cruddy job of presenting. I spoke to quickly and didn't make my subject very exciting. If I were to actually present this in a class I would go a lot slower and ask a lot more questions of students to help reinforce the information.

I enjoy using power point because it is very visual and helpful for people with auditory issues. I also enjoy that I can write a vary sparse outline which students can copy down as notes. I think one of the big cons is that people tend to really over use words on them. A good thing is that pictures can speak a thousand words and you can get some great pictures on a power point.

dont read notes know your material
good to use engaging media
enthusiasm for material really shows
ask questions to make it engagning
use the audience as examples

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